Use the desired personality id under your account in the WebSocket URL.


Here is an example:



Checkout API Docs to get OPENHOME_API_KEY


Checkout Get Personalities section to get your account’s personality ids.

  • 4727: Represents the personality ID.
  • Set the personality ID to 0 to skip this part. This will start the call with the default agent, OpenHome.

WebSocket Flow

Audio Data Format

Audio data sent to the WebSocket must adhere to the following specifications:

  • Format: 16-bit PCM
  • Sample Rate: 16000 Hz
  • Encoding: Base64

Ensure that the audio is converted to this format before sending it to the WebSocket.

WebSocket Message Structure

Client to Server Messages

  1. User to Server Text Messages
      "data": "MESSAGE_CONTEXT",
      "type": "transcribed"
  2. User to Server Audio Messages
    "type": "audio"

Server to Client Messages

  1. Server to User Text Messages

        "data": {
            "content": "MESSAGE CONTENT",
            "live": true,
            "role": "assistant"
        "type": "message"

    live: true indicates live transcription or response logs.

    final: true provides finalized transcription and response messages.

  2. Server to User Audio Messages

        "data": "BASE64_ENCODED_AUDIO_MESSAGES",
        "type": "audio"


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